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Donate for Glu-cause
Help us help diabetics in need!
Here's a little background information - Once known for its dynamic food, music and culture, Lebanon is now in the midst of the worst economic crisis in modern history. With no clear resolution in sight, the country is experiencing rolling blackouts, a shortage of food, fuel and medication. Lebanon has been enduring an on-going crisis for the past 2 years. With the constant devaluation of the Lebanese Lira which has lost almost 85% of its value.
The country’s ongoing economic crisis has made private health care prohibitively expensive, leaving more people reliant on the public health services. The COVID-19 pandemic and the massive explosion that devastated Beirut on August 4, 2020(previous relief opperation), have put additional strain on the already stretched public health system.
The country now faces a growing shortage of medical supplies and essential medicines (such as those used to treat chronic diseases - DIABETES), leaving the most vulnerable people at risk. Lebanon also hosts the largest number of refugees per capita in the world, which means that many of the displaced people living there have already endured traumatic experiences.
The International Diabetes Federation estimates that around 529,900 adults in Lebanon live with diabets(IDF). Our aim is to help as many people living with diabetes as humanly possible; that means, helping people living with both type one and type two diabetes have access to basic endrocronology appointments, buy test strips, buy their diabetes medication. This also means helping pregnant women with diabetes purchase continuous glucose monitors that are essential during pregnancy, and help children under the age of 8 also purchse their continuous glucose monitors.
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