"ONE TO THREE" Social Media Workshops

"ONE TO THREE" Social Media Workshops
Social Media is transforming the way we are communicating, making decisions and ultimately doing business. Typical barriers to using social media for businesses are a lack of strategic direction and a lack of skills and knowledge about social media.
With our "One-to–Three" social media workshops, a new workshop format, we can help you make full use of the social media platforms relevant to your level of social media knowledge and business objectives.
We cut through the social media noise to share our knowledge, tips and tactics you need to skillfully wield social media tools and strategies for your business.
Right Service provides customizable workshop sessions according to your social media knowledge and your business goals.
You are free to choose which session to take:
- Social Media 101
- Facebook for Business
- Twitter and Hootsuite for Business
- LinkedIn for Business and Recruitment
- Instagram, Canva and Snapchat for Business
- Social Media Use for Doctors
- Others, specify: ......................................
Note: The workshop outline varies according to the attendees' level of social media knowledge.
Click Here to fill the form to asses your knowledge and send it back to info@rightservice.net
Supportive Material: Attendees will get workshop supportive material. Click Here to know more.
Sessions Agenda:
Our "One –to –Three" workshops are done in flexible times to match our attendees' time.
Feel free to choose the day and time that suites you?
- Tuesday from 10:00 am till 2:30 pm OR 4:00 pm till 8:30 pm
- Thursday from 10:00 am till 2:30 pm OR 4:00 pm till 8:30 pm
- Friday from 10:00 am till 2:30 pm OR 4:00 pm till 8:30 pm
If the below dates don't match your time, contact Right Service on 05/951343 and schedule your workshop
All attendees will receive a Certificate of Attendance.
Joe Ghantous (lb.linkedin.com/in/joeghantous), Founder of the "Middle East Social Media Festival (www.mesmf.com), CEO of Right Service (www.rightservice.net) and the author of "Employee Advocacy on Social Media" Book. (Download book introduction http://ow.ly/gz0d302su4h).
Click here to know what have others said about our workshops & trainer
Satisfaction Guaranteed:
Your Satisfaction is our number one concern – we guarantee the quality of our workshops. If you are not satisfied with the quality, you may contact us for your money back.
Sessions Location:
Right Service offices, Hazmieh, St. Rock Street, Mar Roukoz Centre, 2nd Floor.
Click here to view our offices
For more info you can contact:
961 5 951343 or send email to: info@rightservice.net