Barbara Nassar Fundraising Gala Dinner

Barbara Nassar Fundraising Gala Dinner
Barbara said "Every cancer patient has the right to complete his treatment with dignity".
Because parents shall not lose their children nor children lose their parents from insufficient financial capabilities.
Barbara Nassar Association decided to take the initiative and complete the society's missing role in supporting adult cancer patients financially and psychologically by covering the costs of medicines and hospitalization, and giving them a better chance to survive this disease.
Today, you can help us to achieve our objectives by participating in our first annual fundraising dinner, under the theme: "Rise like a Phoenix", which is our call to all cancer fighters.
Dinner details:
- Date: Friday, February 5th, 2016
- Place: Le Royal Hotel - Pearl Ballroom
- Ticket price: 80$
- Welcome Drink @ 8h15pm - Dinner @ 9h00pm
- Special entertainment provided by:
The Lebanese Artist Ziad Bourgi
A Band of Doctors
The International Soprano
Lara Jokhadar accompanied by Elie Chahoud
For Informations, Reservations, Sponsorship or Tombola Gifts, contact us on 03.691624 - 71.514582 /
Thank you in advance for your support and presence.