10 Webinars that will Guide You to Create a Company that can Thrive Without You

10 Webinars that will Guide You to Create a Company that can Thrive Without You
Access the Recordings of the following Webinars by Purchasing the relevant ticket:
2023 Webinars:
Productize: 8 Ways to Turn Your Service Into A Product.
You will discover:
• The 8-step approach to productizing a service.
• Why most attempts to productize fail the first time around.
• The biggest obstacle most owners face when productizing (and how to overcome it). -
Definitive Guide to Standard Operating Procedures.
You will discover how SOPs allow you to:
• Provide your customers with a consistent experience.
• Minimize your time spent problem-solving.
• Train new and existing employees.
• Build a company that is worth more to a buyer.
• Avoid or minimize an earn-out.
• 4 learning styles and the best way to create SOPs for each. -
The Delegator.
You will discover:
• Actionable steps you can take as an owner to increase your company's value and delegate tasks off your plate helping your business to operate without your everyday involvement.
• The strategies to help you as an owner learn how to break down larger activities into distinct tasks.
• The 4 stages at which you can delegate.
• A simple formula for mastering the art of delegation. -
The Automatic Customer: Turning Customers into Subscribers.
You will learn:
• The 5 benefits driving the subscription economy.
• The 9 different subscription models and how to apply each to your business.
• The secret psychology of selling a subscription.
• How to make customers sticky for life. -
The 8 Drivers of the Value of Your Company.
You will learn how to:
• Increase your score on each of the eight drivers of company value.
• Structure your business to maximize its value.
• Accelerate the pace of positive word-of-mouth for your business using the same technique as companies like Intuit, Google, and Apple.
• Boost your company’s cash flow in the same way Harley Davidson finances its business.
• Differentiate your business using the same methodology Warren Buffet looks for in the companies he invests in.
• Minimize your company’s reliance on your personal involvement using some of the strategies Tim Ferriss used to reduce the time he spent in his business to just four hours a week.
2024 Webinars:
- Monkey Mind: Navigating the Emotional Highs and Crushing Lows of Building a Successful Business
Building a successful business is not merely a journey toward financial independence; it’s a personal voyage laden with a spectrum of emotions. There are periods of exhilarating highs, when your dreams seem within grasp, and, inevitably, gut-wrenching lows, when the pitfalls of business hit hard.
It’s essential to remember that navigating this emotional odyssey is as crucial as managing your business operations.
In this webinar, you will learn the tools to help emotionally equip yourself for the thrilling rollercoaster that is entrepreneurship, including:-
How to temper the highs and lows.
How to separate your identity from the work that you do.
The importance of finding your tribe.
- Value Re-Builder: 7 Essential Questions To Answer Before Re-Starting Your Company
Have you ever noticed the moment during a storm when the violent winds begin to subside? You wonder if your mind is playing tricks. Then, sure enough, the storm starts to ease, and you're left to assess the damage.
There comes a time when the turbulence in your business begins to settle. This is a unique opportunity. Without the forces of inertia pushing you in the direction you've always gone, you have a moment to decide where you want to be. It's an opportunity to rethink how you approach your company — to rebuild your business into what you've always dreamed it could be before little decisions, stacked on top of each other, became too hard to undo.
It's your time to rethink everything:
- Before customers start buying: There's a time to re-define what you want to sell.
- Before re-hiring employees: There's a window to consider which teammates exemplify your values the most, who deserves a more significant role, and perhaps if there is anyone you're better off without.
- Before bringing everyone back to work: There's a moment to consider what kind of environment and culture you want to create.
As difficult as it may feel to face, now is the time to re-evaluate everything you've done in the past and commit to building a more durable, valuable company for the future.
In this webinar, you will:
- Discover the biggest mistake business owners make when rebuilding from a disaster.
- Learn what acquirers value in the businesses they buy.
- Identify which of your product/service lines are worth rebuilding now.
- Explore 8 reasons big companies buy little ones.
- Answer 7 essential questions you need to address before starting to reconstruct the value of your company.
Endgame: Designing Your Business for the Ultimate Reward
As a business owner, you're familiar with the challenges and complexities that come with steering your company day-to-day. But have you considered the transformative power of picturing your endgame?This simple yet strategic action is more than just setting a goal; it's about creating a clear roadmap for your entrepreneurial journey.
Imagine having a destination so clear in your mind that every decision you make naturally aligns with it. This is what happens when you know your endgame. It becomes a guiding star for your business, simplifying decision-making.
As a business owner, your endgame shouldn't be a distant, abstract goal. Knowing how you plan to transition to your next chapter, by when and with what proceeds is a powerful tool shaping your current strategies and decisions. Envisioning your exit, whether it's selling to a strategic acquirer, passing the torch to the next generation, or another path, provides clarity and direction.
This clarity can transform your daily decisions, aligns your goals, and ensures every action contributes to your ultimate aim. It's about more than just the destination; it's about optimizing every step of your journey along the way.
You’ll learn:-
The 4 things that define your endgame
The most common endgame options for business owners
...and more to help you chart your course.
The Freedom Point
What does true freedom look like to you?If you’re like most business owners, your aspiration for freedom is hardwired into your psyche. The desire to make your own decisions has guided you down the road less traveled.
However, starting a company may not be enough to facilitate the freedom you imagined. Being the boss doesn’t necessarily free you from demanding customers or highly dependent employees. To achieve a true level of independence you may consider selling your business one day and establishing a pool of cash capable of generating the income you need to fund the lifestyle you aspire to.
To help address this challenge, join us for an exclusive talk dedicated to business owners.
In this interactive webinar, we uncover what you can be doing now to help you maximize your exit and extract the wealth that’s locked in your business including:
How to calculate your Freedom Point
The often-overlooked costs to keep in mind when selling your business
Factors to consider when you pass the Freedom Point
Actionable ways to diversify risk as you approach your exit
The Rainmaker's Dilemma
Influential authors say that business owners should focus their time and energy on their strengths. For many founders, their biggest strength is their ability to influence customers. This makes you/them the Rainmaker – the economic engine of the company.Although they may have experienced success, being the Rainmaker will eventually lead to a plateau in the value of their business.
In this webinar learn how you can solve the Rainmaker’s dilemma. Andre provides actionable steps to ensure business owners avoid the downhill trap of being the Rainmaker and work to increase the value of their company.
In this session, you’ll discover:
Why the role of Rainmaker impacts the value of a company.
A simple four-box tool to self-diagnose if you’re doing Rainmaker activities
Qualitative data on why Rainmakers are less likely to attract an acquisition offer.
A nine-step system for making a business less dependent on its owner.