AYM In Der Stadt

AYM In Der Stadt
Your Way Out🔮
After an incredible rave from sunset to sunrise in the mountains, AYM hosting 10 hours of nonstop underground rave with after-hours TOMORROW, Saturday the 14th of January!
The legendary local DJs are taking you to another dimension at Nach Club - Dora Seaside.
Jörj, Patt, Veles, Jason Kaakoush, Eliano, Pablo
Doors open at 10:30 pm
We rave till 9:00 am
This event is strictly 20+ original IDs required at the door.
Book your tickets now, and pay at any Maliks or Liban Post branch within 48 hours.
The M_anagement reserves the right of admission.
For any inquiry, do not hesitate to contact us on +961 81 369 560