Healthcare Infrastructure & Innovation Summit
Healthcare Infrastructure & Innovation Summit
The Health Infrastructure & Innovation Summit is a day dedicated to bringing a group of stakeholders – with a unique cross-section of expertise, community involvement and experiences within the healthcare system - together to identify the preferred future of health care in Lebanon.
The Health Infrastructure & Innovation Summit strives to initiate a number of calls to action for all stakeholders – both patients and providers alike - that will build a solid foundation for delivering high quality, safe patient care and answer questions like: what do the people of Lebanon want out of their healthcare experience and how do we grow a meaningful and sustainable patient-centered system?
Bringing together dynamic and inspirational speakers serves as the framework for sparking conversation during the Health Innovation & Infrastructure Summit and provides the fundamental and thought-provoking information that is the key to developing a well-rounded, informed, action-oriented strategy.
The overall day is comprised of innovative speakers, a networking luncheon, and an interactive information gathering session with all participants to help build the basis used to develop a comprehensive call to action strategy.
The Health Infrastructure & Innovation Summit will open our minds to new approaches to creative problem solving, honest conversations about social issues and ways to use innovative thinking and technology to improve the patient care experience. The Health Innovation & Infrastructure Summit will shift away from sharing ideas regarding a wide variety of solution-based ideas and discussions, to a more focused and crucial conversations regarding the complex healthcare challenge: the need for innovations in the healthcare infrastructure and how we could implement them in Lebanese healthcare system, the importance of a stable energy supply in a functional system, driving sustainability of innovations, infrastructure and built environment, the importance framework of understanding innovation in healthcare management.
The Health Innovation Summit is dedicated to:
• Bringing together healthcare practitioners and decision-makers, community and business leaders, and patients alike to identify the preferred future of healthcare in Lebanon.
• Open and transparent conversations regarding what people want out of their healthcare experience.
• Sharing knowledge and insight on how to grow a meaningful and sustainable patient-centred system.
• Developing a call to action for all stakeholders - both patients and providers alike - that will build a solid foundation for guiding delivering high quality, safe patient care.
• Finding the best strategy to implement innovations and new technologies in the healthcare system