5G & Health: Everything you need to Know - Online interactive discussion by I Have Learned Academy

5G & Health: Everything you need to Know - Online interactive discussion by I Have Learned Academy
5G & Health
Everything you need to Know
Technically, Medically, Energetically, Cognitively
Online interactive discussion by I Have Learned Academy
In this discussion, we will be discussing all aspects and questions related to 5G and it's relation to health.
We will discuss:
- What is 5G and what are the technical differences with 3G & 4G
- What is the effect of 5G and radiations on health?
- How does 5G affect our energetic field and aura
- How to make a judgement using cognitive thinking and science
- What are the latest studies about 5G and heatlh
Speakers Profiles:
- Ziad Zorkot: Telecom Network Engineer / Network Management Director / Mobile Network Engineering & CEM Expert
Ziad is a Senior Telecommunication Expert with more than 22 years diversified and extensive industry experience including mobile Networks’ Engineering and Customer Experience Management “CEM”, where he played leadership roles in 2G/3G/4G system design, planning, optimization, operations and development for several national and regional networks (Zain Group). Additionally, he was heavily involved during the last 5 years in the development of customer experience management programs and the evolution from classical voice performance management systems to mobile broadband Quality of Experience “QoE”. He was also assigned to lead strategic planning committees to ensure proper synchronization between business/commercial requirements and technologies evolution.
Mr. Zorkot served in various management positions with leading global Tier-1 companies including Motorola & Nokia. Currently, Ziad is heading the Quality & performance team at Touch since 2012, coming from Nokia where he was working as operations manager for ZAIN Accounts. Prior to these 2 positions, Ziad worked for 9 years with Motorola where he grew from Engineering Manager to Program & Services Manager. With Motorola, He was managing business development, mobile operations and services delivery for several ZAIN networks in the Middle East region. Before that, Ziad spent the initial 6 years of his career doing GSM/EDGE network performance and optimization at LibanCell.
Ziad is well known in the mobile broadband industries as a keynote speaker and key conferences and events. He has been providing mobile communications training courses across the region since 2006.
Ziad earned his Bachelor of Engineering degree in Communication and Electronics from Beirut Arab University and pursued his education further to receive a Master’s certificate in project management from George Washington University. Ziad backed up his technical experience by taking several training courses in areas like mobile broadband network evolution, project management, strategic planning, leadership and many others.
- Dr Cherine Bazzane: Medical Family & anti-aging doctor:
Dr Bazzane studied medicine in Saint Joseph University and obtained a Diploma of Doctor in General medicine in July 2012, then specialized in Family Medicine in Hotel Dieu de France and Graduated as a Family Medicine specialist in June 2016.
She is currently working in Clemenceau Medical Center-affiliated with John Hopkins International as a Family physician, responsible of coordinating and optimizing plan of care of oncology patients undergoing chemotherapy treatments . She assists patients with chronic diseases to improve quality of life and to minimize and support the side effects of the medications .
Dr Bazzane also holds a diploma from Paul Sabatier University (Toulouse , France) in morphological and anti-aging medicine, a branch of medicine specialized in aging with wellbeing and grace.
She is also an instructor at saint Joseph university-school of medicine, in the oncology department since September 2018.
Her specialty allows her to be the gatekeeper of patient’s health and wellbeing and to coordinate with the different specialties for the best interest and the optimal care of the patient.
She believes in treating the patient as a whole and that true medicine is a combination of science and wisdom aiming to heal body, mind and spirit.
In her practice she integrates many sciences , knowledge and practices to target a healing of the ailment..
Her approach is mostly known as comprehensive and integrative holistic medicine and that's what differentiates her from conventional physicians.
- Dr Razmig Azezian - Energy Healer & Physical Therapist
Dr Razmig Azezian received a Bachelor degree in Physical therapy from the Sports Medicine Department at Beijing University of Physical Education and Tui Na Therapy ( Chinese Traditional Energy Therapy). He has a Diploma in Acupuncture from The Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine Department of WHO, from the Rehabilitation and Bone Department, and Manipulative Therapy of Dongzhemen Hospital Institute Beijing (China), and from the Xi Yuan Yi Yuan Acupuncture and Tui Na Training Hospital.In addition, Dr. Razmig has a Diploma in Dao Yinyang Sheng Gong & T’ai Chi from BUPE- Chinese Traditional Meditative and Healing Arts.
He is a certified healer and instructor in GMCKS Modern Pranic Energy Healing from World Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga Foundation, India & Philippines. Dr. Razmig lives in Lebanon where he represents Pranic Healing, practices Physical Therapy, Acupuncture, Manipulative Therapy and is a full -time instructor and healer in the inner arts and science of traditional & modern energy works.
- Dr Albert Moukheiber - Neuroscientist & Psychologist
Dr. Albert is a neuroscientist and clinical psychologist. He has worked for 10 years in the psychiatry department at the Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, focusing mainly on anxiety disorders and resilience. He now works as a clinician at his practice and teaches at the University Paris 8 in the clinical psychology department. He has also founded Chiasma, a structure that is interested in how our brain reconstructs reality to confirm our prior beliefs and how to promote mental flexibility. Chiasma focuses on how we form opinions and the impact of these mecanisms on our decision making. Albert is also a lecturer and a lead workshop developer for businesses and shares the latest scientific discoveries on behavior and cognition and how they impact our daily lives. He currently works on the factors that impact decision making such as motivated reasoning or cognitive biases.
- Randa Farah:
Randa is an HR Specialist, Organisational Psychologist,
Master NLP Practitioner.Certified Trainer from the UK,
Certified Happiness at Work Expert from Denmark,
Stress management & personal growth specialist,
Founder of I Have Learned Academy (School of Life) & Lebtivity.com (Calendar of Events) and University Instructor at USJ.
She has more than 14 years of experience in the field of HR & soft skills training and worked with big corporations in various fields and industries.
She holds 3 university degrees; Human Resources Management, Industrial Psychology and Business - Advertising & Marketing.
Randa ensures to have a rich content in her workshops, an interactive approach and encourages out of the box thinking.
She is a trainer in Happiness at Work and delivers certifications to become a Chief Happiness Officer, and did in 2018 the first ever International Conference about Happiness at Work in Lebanon.
Her moto is: Do what you love… Love what you do!
Session is Free of Charge but optional contribution or also donations that we are collecting for families in need during Corona times are welcomed.
Booking is a must. Tickets can be booked online on Ihjoz:
And Offline from Malik's Bookshop any branch, Khoury Home.
For LBP you can use this link:
Booking ahead is a must, places are limited.
Intro on Have Learned Academy:
I Have Learned Academy is a place where you can learn everything that you didn't learn at school!
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This workshop will be online from the comfort of your home. Stay home, stay safe and Corona free!
For more info about the workshop contact info@ihavelearned.me or +961.3.614493 (phone or whatsapp).