Happiness at Work from Home - An online discussion with International experts in Happiness at Work

Happiness at Work from Home - An online discussion with International experts in Happiness at Work
Happiness at Work from Home
A Discussion with International experts in Happiness at Work!
Online Interactive Session by I Have Learned Academy
In this discussion, we will be sharing the best practices of each country revolving about 2 main topics:
- How each country is dealing with the CoronaVirus Crisis and remote work
- How to optimize work from home and create Happiness at Work from Home!
Questions will go around:
- How are companies coping with employees working from home?
- How to keep employees happy while working from home
- What are the practices in each country?
- How to create team building from home?
- What will the new HR look like?
- How to manage online meetings positively?
- How to keep employees happy and engaged?
- How to manage teams challenges remotely?
- How to maintain the wellness and well-being of the employees?
- Manage work-life balance (especially with kids at home)
- What about the communication challenges?
Speakers Profiles:
- Randa Farah - Lebanon
Randa is an HR Specialist, Organisational Psychologist,
Master NLP Practitioner.Certified Trainer from the UK,
Certified Happiness at Work Expert from Denmark,
Stress management & personal growth specialist,
Founder of I Have Learned Academy (School of Life) & Lebtivity.com (Calendar of Events) and University Instructor at USJ.
She has more than 14 years of experience in the field of HR & soft skills training and worked with big corporations in various fields and industries.
She holds 3 university degrees; Human Resources Management, Industrial Psychology and Business - Advertising & Marketing.
Randa ensures to have a rich content in her workshops, an interactive approach and encourages out of the box thinking.
She is a trainer in Happiness at Work and delivers certifications to become a Chief Happiness Officer, and did in 2018 the first ever International Conference about Happiness at Work in Lebanon.
Her moto is: Do what you love… Love what you do!
- Joaquin Vinas - Spain
Company Trainer on Happiness at work.
His purpose is to improve the wellbeing and happiness of people at work through training programs and conferences that increase their motivation, productivity and wellbeing.
Before that, he worked 15 years in multinational companies in Marketing and Sales departments until he realized he was successfully unhappy. He discovered Positive Psychology and after a self-development process he decided to change his career to pursue his passion: teaching and facilitating. He has been doing that for over 5 years working for companies such as Mattel, Mango or Criteo.
He believes that happiness is a serious business.
- Elisa Dovio - Italy
Italian trainer and consultant, specialized in Happiness at Work and facilitation techniques such as Design thinking and Lego Serious Play.
Her purpose is to help people to enhance their talents through motivation, positivity and well-being. She believes the present and future most successful companies are based on shared value, people and happiness.
With People 3.0 she has organized the first Genuine Happiness at Work Conference in Italy and the first italian edition of the International Week of Happiness at Work.
- Dr Jenny Brockis - Australia
Dr. Jenny Brockis is a medical practitioner, board certified
Lifestyle Medicine Physician, award-winning keynote
speaker, mentor, trainer and best-selling author
specialising in developing thriving teams and workplaces.
She works to inspire others to be the best human they
can be by translating the findings of the neuroscience and
positive psychology into simple practical tools, so we can
all work smarter not harder, and get the most out of life.
- Calvin Johnson - Canada
During Calvin’s 30 year entrepreneurial journey he has been passionate about creating happy corporate cultures. First hand experience has shown Calvin that if you can get the culture right, staff are happier, productivity and innovation are higher, staff turnover is lower and the business runs with less friction and more profitably. As founder of the office coffee and snack company Lykki, Calvin has gathered insight from over 1.5 million orders delivered to clients. His research shows that providing free snacks, delicious coffee and fresh fruit might be nice “perks” but overall they don’t create amazing corporate cultures.
- Kasia Kern - Poland
Graduate of Psychology with over 17 years of business experience, working as HR Director in international and local companies. Kasia is Founder and Managing Director of first polish company specialized in filed of Happiness at Work. Kasia is certified by Woohoo Inc as Chief Happiness Officer. She is also certified facilitator and coach. She works as HR and Happiness at Work Consultant, Executive Coach, Facilitator and Business Trainer. She is the initiator and organizer of the first conference in Poland on Happiness at Work, which was very successful in September 2019 in Krakow. Kasia holds the Berkeley University certificate in the field of Happiness at Work and is the only person in Poland during certification in the first in the world Happiness Study conducted by Happiness expert Professor Tal Ben-Sharar.
Session is upon appreciation contribution. Pay what you can: you can optionally pick to contribute with the amount you want to encourage our mission: $10, 20, 30, 40
Tickets can be booked online on Ihjoz:
And Offline from Malik's Bookshop any branch, Khoury Home.
Optional donations that we are collecting for families in need during Corona times are also welcomed.
For payments in LBP you can use this link:
Booking ahead is a must, places are limited.
Intro on Have Learned Academy:
I Have Learned Academy is a place where you can learn everything that you didn't learn at school!
Check all our upcoming workshops here:
Check our Happiness at Work Conference!
And our next CHO Certification:
This workshop will be online from the comfort of your home. Stay home, stay safe and Corona free!
For more info about the workshop contact info@ihavelearned.me or +961.3.614493 (phone or whatsapp).