Breakfast with Gilbert Doumit: Redefining Politics by Innovation at I Have Learned Academy

Breakfast with Gilbert Doumit: Redefining Politics by Innovation at I Have Learned Academy
Redefining Politics: Inclusion, Innovation and Integrity
A Workshop, Round-table Discussion Session & Breakfast with Gilbert Doumit at I Have Learned Academy
Revolution times special
How can we redefine politics in Lebanon?
How can we make politics interesting and constructive again?
How can we be more political positively and constructively?
We are right to be concerned about politics. But what does politics really mean?
And how to transform politics from a power centric exercise into a human centered experience using innovation
This session is very important given the situation Lebanon is going through these days.
Join this workshop and learn about politics, inclusion and integrity and how to make things work again by using innovation, becoming the real center of political engagement, and Life together.
Round-table session
Breakfast included.
- Speaker's Bio:
Gilbert Doumit is a founding and Managing Partner of Beyond Reform & Development (BRDI) Group, a mission-driven consulting firm working to establish innovative, inclusive, and participatory policies and institutions in the MENA region.
He is a founding partner of Beyond, specialized in leadership and organizational development serving corporations across the MENA region. His is as well a consultant at Designed Learning USA.
He helped starting up a myriad of businesses including Effiqual Management Consultants in Canada, and recently Beyond Innovation and Technology specialized in digital transformation for governments and international development agencies.
He is a World Fellow (2008) at Yale University and a lecturer at Universite Saint Joseph in Beirut. He has published numerous articles on policy making, governance, and social entrepreneurship
He is sought after as a public speaker at a myriad of international conferences and his work has been featured in international media such as CNN, Huffington Post, and Stanford Social Innovation Review.
He is known for being a social entrepreneur and an activist serving on the boards of multiple NGOs such as the Center for Lebanese Studies, Injaz Lebanon and the Lebanese Association for Democratic Elections. He is a member of Beirut Madinati, former candidate in 2018 parliamentary elections in Beirut I as part of Libaladi Movement within the Ta7alof Watani Coalition lists.
Gilbert holds an MBA from Ecole Supérieure des Affaires (ESA), a Master in Advanced Management from Ecole Supérieure de Commerce (ESC) de Paris, a Bachelor degree in Business Administration, and another one in Community Organization.
Breakfast & Session: 25 000 LBP
Booking is a must on
Payment at the door.
You can also book by credit card on Ihjoz or Khoury Home or Maliks, email us for more info.
Booking ahead is a must, places are limited.
Special discount for students upon showing us a valid student card, email us for more info.
I Have Learned Academy introduction:
I Have Learned Academy is a place where you can learn everything that you didn't learn at school!
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I Have Learned Academy is located in Mirna Chalouhi Highway (The Bauchrieh - Sin El fil Highway), Caracas 1 Building, after JF cars, before Mardini Center.
Bloc B, 5th floor.
For more info about the workshop contact or 03-614493 (phone or whatsapp).