Shake out 2019 & Welcome 2020 - Workshop at I Have Learned Academy

Shake out 2019 & Welcome 2020 - Workshop at I Have Learned Academy
SHAKE OUT 2019 & WELCOME 2020!
Workshop at I Have Learned Academy
For people who wish to create a healthy closure of 2019 and build a strong foundation for 2020!
This workshop is for you if you wish
1- to learn how to assess your past year efficiently
2- to shake the old and keep the essence of the positive from 2019
3- to build a strong and clear foundation for the new year ahead
In this workshop, you will
· Learn how to extract the best from past experiences
· Shake out the old and clear the path for the new
· Discover tools to release energies that could be blocking your success
The objectives of this workshop are
1- to provide you with practical and effective tools that you could use all year long
2- to support you in clarifying your vision for the new year
3- to learn while having fun how to let go of the past and welcome the new year ahead
During our 3 hours workshop, we will be exploring:
-A- The pillars to letting go the past year
-B- How to welcome and celebrate the new year
-C- Practical & Effective tools to boost and reach a great new year!
About the facilitator:
Nancy Abdo has been on the Self-mastery journey since 2003. She opened her 1st Wellbeing Consultancy Office in Lebanon in 2005. She holds 3 different Certifications in Coaching (Leadership, Life and Positive Change Coaching) and is in the process of finalizing her 4th as a Transformational Coach. She changed her 12 Years' successful career in the Corporate world to Wellbeing Consultant in 2005. Since then and over the course of 15 years she is been on an inner journey and deep Inner work & many pieces of training, to become today a Self-leadership, Stress Reduction & Decision making Expert. She moved back to Lebanon in 2009 and Founded Stay positive in Lebanon and her aim is to spread more positivity and awareness on authentic and practical healing modalities.
Workshop attendance: 38$
Add certificate of attendance: +10$
Special discount for students upon showing us a valid student card, email us for more info.
Tickets info:
Tickets can be booked online on Ihjoz:
And Offline from Khoury Home or Malik's Bookshop any branch, or I Have Learned Academy.
Booking ahead is a must, places are limited.
I Have Learned Academy introduction:
I Have Learned Academy is a place where you can learn everything that you didn't learn at school!
Check all our upcoming workshops here:
I Have Learned Academy is located in Mirna Chalouhi Highway (The Bauchrieh - Sin El fil Highway).
Street Number 2, Building 1140 - Bloc B, 5th floor.
(Right after JF cars, before Mardini Center)
Special offer with Careem Taxi:
Get a 50% discount on your ride with Careem Taxi to I Have Learned Academy by entering the code:
For more info about the workshop contact or 03-614493
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