Verbal Self-Defense Workshop at I Have Learned Academy

Verbal Self-Defense Workshop at I Have Learned Academy
Verbal Self-Defense Workshop at I Have Learned Academy
Our daily life is a battlefield.
Poisonous arrows are everywhere: false accusations, verbal aggression, rumors, name-calling…
We are bombarded with comments/insults on social media.
We are verbally attacked by people under influence (of rage, anger, pressure, drugs, ego, or fear…).
Different forms of bullying or intimidation are invading our offices/homes/streets.
Customers use us as punching balls because they think they can.
When discussing with partners, neighbors, boss or employees, we build a protective fence and start attacking before we are attacked… and we end up being enemies for life.
Nobody taught us how to deal with all this chaotic war, so we use our primitive mind: we either fight fiercely and sometimes wickedly or run away in frustration, scheming for retaliation whenever we can.
Is there any other way?
Ever seen a tiny martial arts practitioner overthrow a bench press guy with the tip of his finger?
We invite you to learn to speak like him/her to redirect any attack using this simple formula:
Zero resistance
Zero brute force
Maximum efficiency
Just like a willow tree gets rid of the heavy snow by bending without breaking, you can handle any verbal attack and neutralize it before it becomes out of control.
You will learn:
-Like a judo-ka or an aikido-ist, you can use the right words to:
- redirect any verbal attack arrow without being hit by it
- never lose a relationship because of a heated debated unless you have to
- never have to insult back or step back to get your message across
- deal with any crisis situation involving angry or highly emotional people using the martial arts “flowing” technique
- rebalance any clash back into harmony
- stand your ground and end a relationship if it is not serving its purpose without losing self-respect.
Trainer bio:
After an extensive experience in communication (press, tv documentaries, publishing, advertising and PR), Raya B. started exploring communication tools to deal with conflict. She became a certified mediator, a Harvard Master Negotiator and a theoretical Martial Arts practitioner in the process. Today, her main passion is to share the tools she learned and tested to help anyone who is looking for non-violent yet effective and sharp way to handle conflict.
Raya had the chance to share her Verbal Self Defense Program with public and private institutions; namely:
ISF officers
E-army groups
Presidential Guard Officers
Political parties
Scouts du Liban
School teachers groups
Teen agers groups
The Rotary Club
Model United Nations university students
Les Ateliers de Gemmayzeh – Gemmayzeh theater
(within) the EU project Street-Leb
Investment is only 56$ and during this difficult period, if you think you cannot afford it but want to come use the below code on ihjoz or in Malik's: fortheloveoflebanon to get a 50% discount
so you get it at only 28$ or equivalent in LBP.
Students get a 10% discount anyway, email us on with your student card for the code.
Add certificate: +10$
Special discount for students upon showing us a valid student card, email us for more info.
Tickets can be booked online on Ihjoz:
And Offline from Malik's Bookshop any branch, Khoury Home, or I Have Learned Academy directly.
Booking ahead is a must, places are limited.
Intro on Have Learned Academy:
I Have Learned Academy is a place where you can learn everything that you didn't learn at school!
Check all our upcoming workshops here:
I Have Learned Academy is located in Mirna Chalouhi Highway (The Bauchrieh - Sin El fil Highway).
For more info about the workshop contact or 03-614493 (phone or whatsapp)