Footprints Wet Hiking in Rechmaya River
Footprints Wet Hiking in Rechmaya River
A special type of hiking will be our trip for Sunday 04 August 2019 with the Footprints Nature Club. The trip will be:
Wet Hiking in Rechmaya River
We will be walking inside the river and end up by a normal hiking trail to reach the bus.
The hike is of an Easy to Medium Level (6/10). It shall take around 3 to 4 hours with around 4 to 5 KMs. The water level varies between 20 to 50 cms.
This kind of trips requires you to really get wet. Thus make sure you have extra pair of shoes and extra clothes with you when you join us in this trip.
No need to know how to swim in this trip. But for those who like, we will enjoy swimming in a very beautiful natural pool at the end of the trip.
Don't forget to download our mobile app by clicking here for Google Play or App Store, or simply search for: "Footprints Nature Club"...
في رحلة مميزة هذا الأحد 04 آب 2019 الى منطقة رشميا، ستكون:
مشي في مياه نهر رشميا
رحلتنا ستكون كلها مشي في مياه النهر. لذا يجب معرفة ان الجميع سيتبلل من رأسه الى رجليه. لا حاجة للسباحة في هذه الرحلة لأن مستوى المياه سيكون ما بين 20 الى 50 سم.
ولمن يحب، سنتمتع بالسباحة في بركة طبيعية رائعة في نهاية الرحلة.
مستوى الرحلة هو سهل الى متوسط (4 الى 5 كلم، 3 الى 4 ساعات).
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