Rayak Train Station Cultural Visit & Event - The 124th Commemoration of the Beirut - Damascus Line Inauguration

Rayak Train Station Cultural Visit & Event - The 124th Commemoration of the Beirut - Damascus Line Inauguration
Rayak Historical Train Station Cultural Visit & Event - The 124th Commemoration of the Beirut - Damascus Line Inauguration
Under the high Patronage of his Excellency the President of the Lebanese Republic General Michel Aoun
With the cooperation of the Lebanese Railway and Public Transportation Authority and the Rayak-Haush Hala Municipality, Train-Train NGO in partnership with the Rotary Club Chtaura-Bekaa Gate, have the pleasure to invite you to celebrate:
The 124th Commemoration of the Beirut - Damascus Line Inauguration
With a special performance by the Lebanese Internal Security Forces Symphonic Orchestra and many distinguished artists.
An Exhibition area with Train stations old pictures
as well as paintings of trains by Tom Young.
This event is organized by the Train Train NGO and the Rotary Club of Chtaura - Bekaa gate.
In collaboration with the OCFTC, the Municipality of Rayak
Media partner: Lebtivity.com
With the support of: I Have Learned Academy
Saturday afternoon: ceremony
Sunday all day: tours and visits in the station
Buses on Saturday afternoon will be available from Mar Mikhael Train Station at 2:30 pm and back at 8:00 pm (call Chadi on 03-142379)
Or you can take your own cars / transportation.
You can book for free for the event here:
For more info please email: info@ihavelearned.me or Whatsapp: 03-614493
Read more on https://www.lebtivity.com/event/rayak-station-cultural-event-the-124th-commemoration-of-the-beirut-damascus-line-inauguration