DecksontheBeach presents: Kitsune Club Night w/Session victim

DecksontheBeach presents: Kitsune Club Night w/Session victim
It’s practically tradition at this point: Kitsune Club Nights come to shore to give us a sonic and fashion makeover (expect props galore) We’ll be staying at Sporting Club but we’re moving the party to a lower more secluded spot within the beach club, so our neighbors don’t feel us shake. And we can stay out late.
Main act are the german house brigadiers SESSION VICTIM playing a long set
Opening act are local phenoms POMME ROUGE going live on the beach
Excited we are to show you the new space, its smaller but def more homey!
Doors open at 10pm , 1st act is on at 11pm, doors will close at capacity so come early// 35,000LL all night // Tix will be on