ISOC-LB netnite "Getting started with deep learning and machine learning in R"

ISOC-LB netnite "Getting started with deep learning and machine learning in R"
Are you an engineer who’s always heard about machine learning, but somehow it still sounds hazy and vague?
Or better yet, you’ve heard about it and know what it is, but you can’t get a grip on it.
You need like-minded people to discuss with and learn from.
Whether experienced or not, ISOC is inviting you to “Get started with deep learning and machine learning in R | RSTUDIO”
Workshop Content:
Throughout this session, you will learn
• How to use R & R studio to do basic machine learning on data
• How to store & capture data from google maps
• How to harvest data from websites
• How to get JSON data from Web APIs & collect social media data
Date: Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Time: 5:00 PM
Trainer: Rami Farran
Investment: Free for all
Limited Seats: 25
Venue: BDD 1280
About the Trainer:
Rami Farran is the academic IT director at AUB. Not only does he have an outstanding track record of working in the higher education industry, but he also has extensive experience in software design, architecture, and implementation.
He is skilled in building, & executing strategy for digital learning, computational research, application architecture, Mobile Applications, IT Strategy, & Data Warehousing. Additionally, he currently oversees all e-learning and distance learning activities, courses, program design, redesign & innovation student centered activities