Kufi Reinvented by Pascal Zoghbi - Beirut Desgin Week | WORKSHOP
Kufi Reinvented by Pascal Zoghbi - Beirut Desgin Week | WORKSHOP
This three-day workshop will be led by a type designer & typographer. Lettering is a hand-drawn typographic word/s creating a graphical element that can represent an array of visual items such as word-marks, logos, brand mark, monograms, book titles, shop signs, poster slogan, etc.
Following an introduction to the history of Arabic script, a tutored demonstration of the Kufic techniques and styles will be presented. All five different Kufic styles (Archaic Kufic, Eastern Kufic, Modern Floral Kufic, Western Maghribi Kufic, and Square Kufic) will be addressed and taught to the participants based on their own interest.
Each participant is asked to create his/her own Kufic lettering based on an Arabic vernacular word. The aim of the course is to grant each participant the ability to decipher Kufic styles and comprehend it.
1. A lecture will be given about Arabic Kufic scripts.
2. Hand-outs will be given in class about Kufic scripts anatomy.
3. Each participant will choose a vernacular Arabic word and select
one of the five Kufic styles for the creation of the artwork.
4. Sketching and drawing the word in different approaches.
Creating several alternatives.
5. Choosing one of the sketched alternatives and finalizing the
Kufic artwork.
6. Scanning the Kufic Artwork and digitizing it.
7. Designing an A3 poster including the Kufic artwork and
a small paragraph explaining the meaning of the slang word chosen.
Required Materials:
Each participant needs to bring his/her own laptop on the second and third days of the workshop.
Additionally, participants need to bring along with them the following drawing material during all 3 days:
1. Graphite pencils (normal HB or B pens) / 2. Black ink pens and permanent black pens or markers (Thin and thick ones) /
3. Rulers / 4. Grid paper, Millimeter paper / 5. Calque paper, Tracing paper, Butter paper / 6. Normal White Paper
7. Laptop including Adobe Illustrator.
Pascal Zoghbi founded 29Letters (aka 29LT) in 2006. After he graduated from “The Royal Academy of Arts” in the Netherlands with a Masters of Design from “Type & Media”, Pascal created a notable collection of contemporary Arabic and multilingual typefaces alongside corporate identities and design projects. Since 2006 until 2017, he has taught as a design professor at various design schools in Lebanon (American University of Beirut, Lebanese American University, & Notre Dame University) and UAE (American University of Sharjah). He co-authored and edited the “Arabic Graffiti” book published in 2010. He was one of the 10 finalists for the “Jameel Prize 3” in 2013/2014. He was awarded the Red Ribbon of TDC Typeface Design Competition in 2014, and awarded a “Special Mention” in Granshan Type Design Competition in 2015. He was born in Lebanon and is currently based in Madrid, Spain.
Tickets purchased encompass the full three-day workshop (Wednesday till Friday)
Wednesday: Workshop will begin at 11:00 am
Thursday and Friday: Workshop will begin at 10:00 am