Robotics Summer 2019

Robotics Summer 2019
Technologies of the future (22 sessions)
1. Introduction to robotics (using Arduino)
- Mission: Introductory session on the importance of Robotics
- Learning outcomes - Students will:
- - Learn the importance of mastering robotics
- - Get inspired by what can be build when learning how to code Arduino
- - Discover the latest technologies and advancement in the field
2. Street Lights
- Mission: The city is dark, light up the lights in the city to make it easier for pedestrians and cars to maneuver.
- Learning outcomes - Students will learn:
- - How to use the Cherpa environment for Arduino.
- - How to compile a code to the Arduino micro controller
- - How an LED works and how to turn it on
- - What an actuator is
- - How to write digital signals to Arduino pins
3. Skyscraper aircraft warning lights
- Mission: Make it easier for aircrafts to see skyscrapers by adding aircraft warning lights on city skyscrapers
- Learning outcomes - Students will learn:
- - How to blink an LED
- - How to connect a physical LED
- - About resistors and how to connect them with the LED
- - About the breadboard and wires.
4. City control time of day
- Mission: Control the city day and night using a light sensor.
- Learning outcomes - Students will learn:
- - How to write an if else statement
- - How sensors work, in this session: Light sensor (LDR)
- - How to read and analyze analog signals
5. Street lights depending on sunlight
- Mission: Automate city lights to automatically turn on or off depending on sunlight.
- Learning outcomes - Students will learn:
- - How to use a sensor with an actuator to build their first smart light
- - How to solve the problem using many different methods
6. Color Changing Car RGB
- Mission: Change the color of a car while mixing colors!
- Learning outcomes Students will learn:
- - What a RGB (Red - Green - Blue) is
- - How to reach any color they desire by having a combination of RGB values
- - How to connect an RGB LED
7. City traffic lights
- Mission: Control a traffic light in the city
- Learning outcomes - Students will learn:
- - What an algorithm is
- - How to connect 3 LEDs to Arduino
- - Logical thinking
8. City traffic lights 2
- Mission: Control 2 traffic lights at a cross section in the city
- Learning outcomes - Students will learn:
- - About problem solving & critical thinking
- - How to connect 6 LEDs to Arduino
9. Pedestrian street lights
- Mission: Add a button for the traffic lights for pedestrians to use to cross the road.
- Learning outcomes - Students will learn:
- - How to read a digital signal
- - How a push button works and how to connect it to Arduino
10. Assemble a car using a robotic arm
- Mission: Control a robotic arm to assemble a metallic sheet on top of a car in a factory!
- Learning outcomes - Students will learn:
- - What are robotic arms and where they are used
- - How to control a robotics arm
- - What is a potentiometer
11. Weld car parts using a robotic arm
- Mission: Control a robotic arm to weld the metallic sheet on the car.
- Learning outcomes - Students will learn:
- - What is a joystick and how to connect it
- - All about welding?
- - Why robots are used to weld and not humans?
12. Paint a car using a robotics arm
- Mission: Control a robotic arm to paint parts of the car
- Learning outcomes - Students will learn:
- - How to connect both a joystick and a push button
- - How to read digital and analog signals at the same time
13. Automate robotic arms
- Mission: Automate the 2 robotic arms above to do the task repetitively.
- Learning outcomes - Students will learn:
- - What is automation
- - What are the tasks that robots can automate for humans, and what are the tasks that robots can’t do
- - How to write a “for” loop
14. Drone delivery!
- Mission: Control a drone gripper to pick up a package from a warehouse and delivered it.
- Learning outcomes - Students will learn:
- - What is a servo motor and how does it work
- - How to control a servo motor
- - About angles and accuracy
15. Maneuver a drone and land it.
- Mission: Maneuver the drone in the city while avoiding obstacles to
- Learning outcomes - Students will learn:
- - What is an ultrasonic sensor
- - How do drones land and avoid obstacles
16. Launch a rocket to space!
- Mission: Create a countdown to launch a rocket to space.
- Learning outcomes - Students will learn:
- - Why are countdowns used in rocket lift offs
- - What a 7 segment display is
- - How to code any number and display a countdown
17. Land Rover on Mars.
- Mission: Land the Rover safely on Mars’ surface without crashing it.
- Learning outcomes - Students will learn:
- - What are the different ways a Rover can land on a planet
- - What are the stages of landing and at what distances
- - How to connect an LCD screen and display the distance left to the surface of Mars
- - About accuracy and precision
18. Drone delivery!
- Mission: Control a drone gripper to pick up a package from a warehouse to be delivered.
- Learning outcomes - Students will learn:
- - What is a servo motor and how does it work
- - How to control a servo motor
- - About angles and accuracy
19. Analyse Mars rock samples.
- Mission: Control the Mars Rover and collect rock samples to analyze and detect whether this planet ever supported life or not.
- Learning outcomes - Students will:
- Re-visit joysticks and potentiometers
- Learn the chemical compositions of rocks on Mars
- Know what are the essential chemical ingredients required to support life
20. Rover sings Happy Birthday!
- Mission: Code the rover to sing happy birthday to itself every year.
- Learning outcomes - Students will learn:
- - About the length of a Martian year
- - What a buzzer is and how to connect/code it
- - The musical notes for the “Happy Birthday” song
21-22. Build your own project!
- Mission: Students gather in teams to build their own projects!
- Learning outcomes - Students will learn:
- - Collaboration
- - Teamwork
- - Leadership
- - Presentation skills
- - Critical thinking and problem solving
By the end of this interactive Summer Camp activities, students will be confident with all the technical skills needed to build any project they have in mind.