Train of Trainers - TOT

Train of Trainers - TOT
- Definition of the principles and concepts of training and the most important approaches to interactive training.
- Enable participants to identify the training objectives and to plan training sessions.
- Definition of methods and training techniques and experience their implementation.
- Identify the characteristics of the groups of trainees and develop the ability to activate groups and communicate with them through training.
- Identify the characteristics of an effective trainer and the most important knowledge, attitudes and skills to be possessed.
- Identify the communication skills of a trainer and practice them.
- Analyze the principles and ethics of the training.
- Help participants practice skills using the specific knowledge component they are assigned to.
- Go through the Specific knowledge curriculum and how to train others on it
This Program is designed for:
- People seeking to be trainers capable of planning, managing, and evaluating training sessions.
Program Outline:
Introduction – Pre Presentation
Personal Style and Instructional Strategies
- Questionnaire/Instrument on Teaching/Learning
- Styles and/or Psychological Types
- Linking Style with Instructional Strategies
Adult Learning
- Assumptions and Principles of Adult Learners
- Characteristics of the Adult Learner
- Implications for the Trainer and the Learner
Define and Analyze training needs
Training Techniques, Tools and Approaches: Parking Lot, wall gallery, sticky notes evaluation, role-play, ice breakers, energizers, games, team exercises and interventions…
Designing Training Programs
- Learning Objectives
- Training Plan/Timing
- Develop training content
- Develop Lesson Plan
Use of Audio/Visual Tools
Group Management and Positive Approach Choosing the
Appropriate Training Method
- From Brainstorming to Case Studies
- Advantages and Disadvantages
- Linking Training Methods with Principles of Adult Learning and Learning Styles
Presenting and Delivering Effective Training
- Fundamentals of Effective Speaking
- Verbal and Non-verbal Components of Communication
- Ways to Get Attention and Keep Interest
- Critique of Training Sessions
Training Evaluation Training Ethics
Practicing the Delivery all over the 3 days
Post Presentation during the last day