ISOC-LB netnite “Cybercrime in Lebanon Facts and figures”

ISOC-LB netnite “Cybercrime in Lebanon Facts and figures”
A panel of anti-cybercrime and legal experts will provide first-hand overview of the cybercrime situation in Lebanon with facts, figures and statistics and will cover the application of new e-transaction law articles related to cybercrime. The presentation will be followed by a public discussion.
Lieutenant-colonel IT specialist Albert Khoury is the head of the anti-cybercrime and intellectual property protection bureau in the judicial police of the internal security forces of Lebanon.
Dr. Charbel El Kareh, PhD-Attorney at Law with over 16 years of practice and widely published legal consultant specializing in Corporate Laws, Insurance and Mutual Funds law as well as Information Technology (IT) and intellectual properties. President of the Information and Communication Technology Committee of BBA and member of the Lebanese Parliament’s IT committee; Head of the Internet Society governance committee (Lebanon chapter).