Knitting Workshop
Knitting Workshop
Have you ever wondered how these crochet blankets, scarves, flowers, hats are made. Join our crochet workshop
to learn basic knitting or crochet techniques at your own pace. Learn different stitches and how to follow patterns in
both knitting and crochet. Join us to learn the entire secret behind crochet making and make your own masterpiece to take it proudly home
Come and have fun while learning a new skill.
Materials and hand tools will be available.
Location: Le Lilas Flower Lounge
Time: 11am till 1 am
3 sessions for 80$
Price: 30$ per person including refreshments for one session (Early bird special 10% discount)
Book your spot now on 03-670785
Location: Le Lilas Flower Lounge
Time: 11 till 1am 3 sessions