The INNOVATORS Summit 2019

The INNOVATORS Summit 2019
Under the Auspices of His Excellency
The Minister of State for Information Communication And Technology
Mr Adel Afiouni
Fintech AI & Digitization for the Smart Citizen
The forum is a Forum; Exhibition Pitching & Workshop at BEIRUT DIGITAL DISTRICT-bdg 1280 – from April 9th till 12th - 2019
Innovation and entrepreneurship are recognized as key building blocks of competitive and dynamic economies. Countries and regions with vibrant innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems tend to witness higher productivity rates, leading to increased economic growth and more robust job creation, the main pathways through which the poor can escape poverty. As a key driver for firm growth, innovation fosters shared prosperity by stimulating formal employment and increasing wages.
New research shows that young, growth-oriented companies contribute significantly to net employment growth and help enhance competitiveness and productivity by introducing new products, developing novel business models and opening new markets. Innovation allows firms to specialize, meet international best-practice standards and upgrade quality. Each of these areas is essential for firms to compete and thrive in the global economy. Especially in developing economies, we need innovators that create new or improved products and services accessible to underserved populations.
Developing Innovation Strategy: A Primer
Our research reveals two primary approaches for innovation development. Top-down innovation is driven from strategic planning, but bottom-up innovation brings new styles and approaches that enterprise architects must grasp. Crowdsourcing, gamification, innovation jams, etc., all aid ideation efforts to deliver innovation strategy. This primer unveils what you need to know to develop innovation strategy at your organization.
Data Science — Bridging Analytics and Business Processes for Optimum Business Outcomes
Faster and faster decisions are more and more critical using an increasing amount of data for business models that have become moving targets. The gap widening as we move forward, between the continuous availability of data and information, and the decisions organizations have to execute upon. The suspended moment between data and action is where decisions live — where organization combine AI techniques for maximum business differentiation.
Smart Automation: The Final Frontier for Infrastructure and Operations
Automation provides unprecedented cost, operational and scaling efficiencies. This is a significant enabler for I&O and business agility. Discover the trends, technologies, tools and best practices needed to adopt, leverage and scale automation within your organization.
Spotlight: Digital Twins — What Impact Will They Have on Your Business?
The rise of digital twins (aka software models of physical things) is creating the next chapter for digital business platform strategies. Enterprises are leveraging Internet of Things (IoT) technologies for their digital platform journey. What is the potential of digital twins and how will digital twins affect or enhance your business or open up opportunities?
Digital Platforms: The Role Data and Analytics Play in Their Success
This new research explains the next phase in how data and analytics will drive every business moment and outcome improvement. The emerging data and analytics platform will be defined and demystified, and a clear roadmap for how to assemble it in your organization will be shared. Don't panic and buy some AI yet. Start here first. • How does understanding decision making add value to your digital business platform? • What is a data and analytics platform and how does it support digital business? • How and where can you start leveraging your data and analytics today?
The Blockchain Scenario
The blockchain scenario establishes a frame of reference and working model for the evolution of blockchain and the programmable economy for CIOs and senior business leaders. It provides guidance for the future and establishes a roadmap to address the challenges and opportunities afforded by decentralized, tokenized and distributed operations.
Creating Successful Digital Business Innovation With IoT
IoT isn't a technology, it's a way to enable a wide range of digital business transformation from simple digitization through to radical business reinvention. This presentation examines how the CIO can lead the business to discover IoT opportunities, how to achieve business buy-in, best practices and organizational structures to make IoT innovation a success, and pitfalls to avoid.
Hype Cycle for Internet of Things
IoT is becoming a significant component of, and a major contributor to, the digital business initiatives across virtually all organizations. IoT as a whole is still an immature market however as a result of its growth, it is already dividing into Consumer, Commercial and Industrial segments. Each segment has a different solution, product and technology requirements. This Hype Cycle illustrates the current state of IoT.
Immersive Technologies Offer Infinite Possibilities
Application leaders should consider the use of immersive technology (virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality) to add value to their app portfolios, meet business demands for these technologies and shift to a post-app era mindset as part of their mobile and digital app strategies. This session provides an opportunity to ask about the specific use cases and case studies of the use of immersive technology in the enterprise and how to get started.
AI workshop — Five Questions That CIOs Should Answer
No one can escape the wave of artificial intelligence marketing. The promise of increased security and better automation is appealing to CIOs, but sets the wrong expectations. Being too optimistic about artificial intelligence's impact could hurt the security organization. This session will highlight how artificial intelligence might impact security and risk management, what to expect and how to adapt to the changes.
Digital Government Technology Platforms — Examples, Use Cases and Getting Started
Government platforms from around the world that are worthy of note and able to deliver valuable lessons to other government agencies looking to rapidly evolve their platform offerings.
Ask the Expert: Best Practices for Executing a Successful IoT Project
CIOs implementing IoT projects today are grappling with unprecedented pressure to ensure projects deliver compelling benefits and real business value. We will explore best practices of how to lead, organize, fund and execute IoT projects leveraging insights. We will also look at what lessons can be learned from organizations that have already completed IoT projects.
Please Note: based on availability and eligibility you may sign-up for this session via Events Navigator after you register for this event.
Assessing Innovation in Blockchain Startups
This session will look at new business and technology innovations emerging in blockchain startups. Blockchain posits a new business and an economic model and entrepreneurs are trying to seize the technology to create innovative new companies. We will look at interesting innovations and provide guidance to CIOs on how they can leverage such companies and their ideas in their enterprises.
Delivering on the Promise of Automation in Financial Services
Choosing the right automation tool for the challenges you’re facing can be overwhelming. Robotic process automation, analytics, bots, natural language processing and artificial intelligence are all automation options. Each works best, however, when applied to the right level of problem and when employee impact is part of the consideration.
An Infrastructure and Operations Vision for 2019 and Beyond
CIOs must work with their infrastructure and operations (I&O) leaders to act quickly and decisively to create a strategy that's agile, scalable and responsive to the needs of digital business. Automated, scalable and agile I&O technologies will need to replace a fragile, complex and static I&O environment. In this continuously disruptive environment, I&O leaders will have to keep pace with business objectives, by rethinking their approach toward people, process and technology. Come learn not just how to survive this environment, but how to thrive.
Top Trends in Analytics That Will Change Your Business
AI is not the only thing driving rapid change in data and analytics. From the next generation of augmented analytics tools to the use of continuous intelligence to interpret streams of data from IoT or the potential of intuitive interfaces, there is a rapid evolution in how and where analysis can be deployed. Understanding the business impact of these changes will allow organizations to prioritize the innovations that will drive digital business.
Agenda / By Topic
Topics that will be covered will include
- The 4th Industrial Revolution And The Lebanese Environment: Setting A Strategy - Financial Inclusion Whereabouts
- The New Banking Realities: Digital Transformation Vs. Financial Transformation – Is Lebanon There Yet? What Does It Require For The Digital Transformation Journey
- Digitization for Public Services
- Cybersecurity for all – is this possible?
- Privacy in the Era of Intelligent Machines - Designing AI solutions that protect people’s privacy and data
- Smart Buildings & 5G
- What Startups and Corporates can learn from fact-checkers about innovation and collaboration
- Payment Ecosystem: How Are Banks Modernizing The Payments Environment?
- Smartphone-Based Contactless Payment Innovation
- Regulatory Architecture: Overview Of The Latest Regulatory Compliance Requirements - The Community And Legalization Aspect –
- The New Risk Management Framework for entrepreneurs
- Is Lebanon Ready for Block chain And Cryptocurrencies?
- Fintech: Technological Change
- Digitalization of Banking Services
- Mapping Fintech Start-Ups
In addition to enterprise-driven innovation, emerging technology breakthroughs are incubated in a vast array of non-commercial entities including: university research, government agencies, forums and associations, and public and privately funded research institutes, to name just a few. Our objective is to identify, promote awareness and connect “like thinkers” to help accelerate these innovations.