ISOC Lebanon - net nite talk on Buildings Fiber Optics Infrastructure

ISOC Lebanon - net nite talk on Buildings Fiber Optics Infrastructure
You are cordially invited to participate in a public ISOC-LB Net-Nite talk by Mr. Omar Rawdah followed by a discussion on:
Fiber To The Home (FTTH), Fiber To The Office (FTTO) & Buildings Fiber Optics Infrastructure:
Standardization, Local Regulations, Design & Implementation Cases (Old & New Buildings)
The number of Fibre-to-the-Home (FTTH) subscribers continues to grow worldwide. The need for high-bit rate applications is increasing equally. The business case for deploying FTTH is greatly influenced by the operator choice of access technology, the infrastructure cost and the Return on Investment (ROI) from users in apartment blocks or Multi Dwelling Units (MDUs).
This seminar discusses the benefits of fibre broadband and different FTTx network architectures, it addresses in-buildings network elements and the implementation of local legislations via the OEA and presents local case studies for FTTH & FTTO distributions (design & implementation) for new and old buildings.
Omar is the Managing Partner of T-Grid for Telecoms & Transport Technologies. He is specialized in Telecoms from Surrey University, England, Institute for Communication Systems. He has over 25 years’ experience working with Mobile & Fixed-Line Operators, OEMs, R & D and Consultancy firms in England, UK & the Middle East. He co-founded several companies & since his return to Lebanon has been focusing on optical fiber communications. His current activities cover: in-building fiber infrastructure for properties nd fiber optics communications for the education sector.