Self Defense basics for Women - Workshop by I Have Learned Academy

Self Defense basics for Women - Workshop by I Have Learned Academy
Self Defense basics for Women - Workshop by I Have Learned Academy
On average, every 98 seconds, someone is assaulted, especially women. Sometimes the attack is random, on the street as a theft or attack. Other times, it comes from a partner or family member.
Whether you think that you are in danger or not, learning basic self-defense can be the difference between getting away or experiencing serious or even life-threatening injuries.
Learning self-defense techniques can help you protect yourself in any situation and even save your life.
In this workshop, you will learn the basics of Self Defense with a focus on women tools and accessories:
- Heels
- Combs
- Bags
- Key chains
- Nails
Even keys, credit cards, etc
You will learn:
- How to protect yourself from a street theft or attack
- ATM attack
- Bag stealing attack
- Rape attempt
- Any random attack with arms: knives, ropes, etc
- This workshop will be done by a Systema Self-defense expert trainer.
Systema is a healthy, and efficient self defense system from Russia. It can be customized to all genders or ages , and is easy to learn by anyone.
Systema deals with all types of weapons attack or hand to hand, as well psychological attack , and what to do in case of emergencies .
Systema has four pillars - Breathing, Relaxation, Body Position, and Movement, as well as utilizing an attacker's momentum against him and controlling the six body levers (elbows, neck, knees, waist, ankles, and shoulders) through pressure point application, striking, and weapon applications.
The workshop investment is 38$.
Places are limited to 12 people for maximum efficiency.
Booking ahead is a must.
Tickets available on ihjoz
As well as in Khoury Home, Malik's all branches
and at I Have Learned Academy.
For more info contact or 03-376390
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