Emotional Intelligence for great achievements & relations

Emotional Intelligence for great achievements & relations
Explore your source of Greatness
Emotional Intelligence for great achievements & relations
اكتشف نبع عظمتك
الذكاء العاطفي لعلاقات وانجازات عظيمة
Do you know that your success in life is highly related to your ability to manage your emotions?
Do you feel sometimes that you are out of control and your feelings are leading you to situations you don’t want and you don’t need?
This is workshop is designed for you so that you unleash the tremendous power of emotions and flourish all your life
By the end of this session you will be able to:
- Know and understand your feelings to increase your self-awareness
- Express your feelings to release your stress and to share your joy
- Learn how to manage yourself by managing your emotions in order to achieve your goals
- Motivate yourself in all situations
- Understand how others are feeling and empathize with their situation
- Communicate in more effective ways with others by touching their hearts
- Motivate others and connect with them on a higher level
Why 4 sessions and not just 1?
It is a training course over a period of 4 weeks, two hours once per week, because:
- It is a self development "Mental Gymnastic" course : if you know all the exercises but you don’t practice you will never be in shape
- It takes time to improve your behavior and habits,so we are giving you the time
- They say practice makes perfect, we believe that being a member of a focused practicing team makes miracles
- In your free time in the evening, take the opportunity to change your life
- We are not selling a product, we will not treat you as a customer, we will build an atmosphere of experimental learning where we will grow together as a family
- Other workshops tell you the secret and show you the map, we will do the same, but in addition, we will go the journey together until you reach your treasure
- You will enjoy a training course on the subject you want over a period of 4 weeks, and pay less than the market price for only one dat of training.