Happiness at Work Conference - Lebanon 2018

Happiness at Work Conference - Lebanon 2018
Happiness at Work Conference & Exhibition - Lebanon
For the first time in Lebanon, you can attend the Happiness at Work Conference!
Experts from abroad will be giving practical tips and information about Happiness at work and local speakers will be sharing their experiences:
Join the fun! A happy Exhibition space awaiting you as well with more than 20 exhibitors.
The event will be followed by drinks from Diageo & bites by Casper & Gambini's.
Studies show that happiness at work may be the most important success factor for a modern workplace and that happy companies make more money!
As Happiness at Work is becoming more and more important for individuals and organizations, we are bringing this topic to Lebanon for the first time!
The Happiness at work conference will include speakers from Europe and local professionals to discuss the latest theory and science of happiness at work, the practice of happiness at work and real
life best practices that work.
Target audience:
This conference targets HR professionals, CEOs & line managers, psychologists, well-being experts, health professionals, coaches, educators, entrepreneurs, employees and anyone interested to increase happiness at work!
Main Speakers are coming from the 2 happiest countries in the world!
- Alexander Kjerulf from Denmark
- Monika Hilm from Sweden
as well as 7 Local speakers!
The program includes the below:
- Panel about Positive Psychology with Charles Saliba - HR Works + Milad Hadchiti - Humanship + Alexander Kjerulf
- Keynote Speech by Monika Hilm: Put your people first - A Director's perspective
- Panel / Ideas shower: Millennial Workplace practices: Toni Yammine - Wezank & Sally Geha - Virgin Radio
- Panel of best local practices of happiness at work: Khodor Badran - Azadea, Carole Abi Jaoude, Air France + Georgina Mondalak, ANBouKather
- Keynote Speech: Alexander Kjerulf: Creating & Implementing Happiness at Work
- Games with valuable prizes moderated by L3b and competition "bring your CEO to the conference competition" to win a breakfast with Alexander Kjerulf the second day.
- Word by GCNL - Global Compact Network Lebanon with Hasan Younes
- Animation by Yaraqa
- Exhibition area with Live music, games, fun & surprises
- Food & Drinks
Trailer here:
Check the main speaker here:
Alexander Kjerulf:
Tickets info:
Tickets at 195$ available on ihjoz.com, Malik's Bookshop, Khoury Home and Libanpost.
*Special discount for groups and students, just email info@ihavelearned.me for more info.
Book now!
Sponsors & Exhibitors:
Air France
The Smallville Hotel
Le Studio by SJ
HR Works
Morgan International
Commercial Insurance
Ray Labs
LiveHappy - Emerge Coaching
Casa Fekra
Selfies Box
A Maze of Tales
Xcite Box
Ananda Yoga
Carla Khoury: Image Consulting & Personal Branding
Koullouna Box
Donner Sang Compter
Live Love Recycle
Food & Drinks:
Casper & Gambini's
Diageo: Smirnoff / Johnnie Walker / Tanqueary Gin / Chandon
Cafe Abi Nasr
Taqa Bar
As well as: Red Bull, Lindt, Mazing Popcorn
Special Partner:
Global Compact Network Lebanon
Media Partners:
L'Orient Le Jour
Commerce du Levant
Executive Magazine
Grand Cinemas
This event is organized by I Have Learned Academy:
For more details please call 03-376390
or email info@ihavelearned.me