ICTN: Build a Reputation that Makes You Rich

ICTN: Build a Reputation that Makes You Rich
ICTN New York is offering you the opportunity to Upgrade Your Life. Benefit from a series of high-impact, motivating and practical interventions designed to make a positive and measurable difference to your business and your life.
Relevant, timely and straight-to-the-point subjects are delivered by ICTN’s most powerful and effective consultants and presenters.
You save time and money while adding the secrets of the most powerful and effective techniques to your success tool kit. Plus you can do it in a pleasant and entertaining setting while networking with other interesting people.
Series 1 - Your Personal Success Toolkit
Discover why you may be the enemy of your own success.
Workshop Title: Build a Reputation that Makes you Rich
What is the objective of this workshop?
Discover how to attract and keep customers coming back and bringing others with them.
Who will benefit from this workshop?
This program is designed for university students employees, supervisors, middle managers and other professionals seeking personal development.
How much does it cost?
$40 (LBP 60,000)Inclusive of the workshop, coffee break and networking
You can upgrade your booking by selecting the following add-ons:
1- E-Book and planner: $10 ( LBP 15,000)
2- Hard copy of Certificate from ICTN NY: $10 (LBP 15,000)
3- One-on-One personalized coaching session of 45 minutes: $100 (LBP 150,000)
Meet the Trainer
Fay Niewiadomski, founder and CEO of ICTN is an author, consultant, SI coach, trainer and motivational speaker with over 40 years of experience and she will be leading this event.