Geminids Meteor Shower

Geminids Meteor Shower
Short story
The Geminids are one of the strongest meteor showers seen in the Northern Hemisphere. As they happen during times of cold, we are collaborating with Soha Village Resort in Falougha to provide you with a super space to observe the meteor shower!
It will be the pinnacle of your winter, in serene calm groups, respecting and appreciating the night skies.
Get in touch: Khalil Azar / +9613042069.Reservation: Ihjoz link above ^^
Long story
This year's Geminid meteor shower is in conditions that are more favourable than usual, with the moon setting around midnight in our mid-northern skies. The Geminid meteor shower will amaze you on Earth as Juno, explores Jupiter. What does Jupiter have to do with the Geminids you say?
Jupiter, is Earth's big brother. As this gas giant wobbles and turns around our star, the Sun, it shields us plenty, attracting celestial bodies into its orbit, protecting the Earth. Jupiter also acts on streams of dust left by passing comets, shifting them ever so slightly every year. The Geminids are special, they are the result of debris left by an asteroid rather than a comet, and each year, our big brother Jupiter tugs more of this debris closer to Earth!
Peaks rates may reach more than a hundred per hour, you will see plenty. xD
We will be departing, every night at 7PM from the BLOM Dora.
The location is 40 minutes away, transportation via bus is provided, and cars are welcome to join. There are separate tickets for bus / car attendees. A tour of the winter night sky will be provided, chats of astronomy / astrophotography, observing will be throughout the night. The bus will return to Beirut around midnight, for those who are able / would like to stay till sunrise, getting a car ticket is advisable.
We stress on respect of the beauty that surrounds us, no loud music will be allowed, any activity that disrupts the group serenity will not be tolerated.
Warm clothes are essential as the temperatures will be very cold. Insulating layers for body, hands and feet are essential, getting snacks with you is welcome.
Ticket prices are 25$ per person that includes bus transportation and 20$ per person if you're joining us with your car.
Location / Dates
The event photo was taken last year, from the dark skies of Lebanon by Khalil Azar / BeirutVersus.
Soha Village Resort
A true escape to an unforgettable experience
Situated about 25 minutes away from Beirut, Soha Village is a new resort containing chalet rentals, a full scale restaurant, Gazebos, Eco Lodges and many other attractions in the works.
Embraced by Al Knaiseh Mountain and overlooking the Majestic La Martine Valley, our accommodations invites you to indulge in a sensory experience that will leave you with treasured memories.
The settings delivers warmth and design style that pays homage to the rare beauty that surrounds it.
More info can be found on BeirutVersus and inquiries accepted at +9613042069.