Digital Experience Design: The Process
Digital Experience Design: The Process
Service design is a method of designing experiences that reach people through many different touchpoints, and that happens over time. Services are holistic and complex, but we strive to make it simple, useful and delightful. Understanding the methodology of service design can help you to create better services for your users (meaning everyone involved in the service ecosystem).
In this workshop we'll have a close look at some of the key tools that we use in the service design process in order to understand what people need and how to translate that into meaningful insights for the business, and essentially into a service.
We will walk you through the process of service design using a case study. Or, if you are working on your own service, you could use that as a base to go through the process.
What's on the agenda?
1. Introduction to Service Design + UX
2. Defining a problem.
3. Creating the user personas
4. Defining the user goals + scenarios
5. Defining the platform for the service
6. Brainstorming the features
7. Prioritizing the features + defining your MVP
8. Sketching
9. Summing up
Who will you learn with?
Egle Karalyte is the founder of Taika Ström, a brand consultancy serving clients in Paris, Beirut, Casablanca and Barcelona. She has lived in 7 cities (New York, London, Paris, Barcelona, Casablanca, Santiago de Chile and Beirut) and had to relaunch her business 7 times. She learned to swim in new waters time and again, adapting to audiences, cultures and the unwritten rules of business. Egle will share her personal experience and lessons learnt while serving her clients.
Egle is also the co-founder of My Visual Brief and founder of Graines de Soleil.
She enjoys sharing her experience via workshops, which she has already organised in Google Campus in London, Paris Telecom, Startup Chile, Technopark in Casablanca, Beirut Digital District, Antwork, Agrytech Beirut, and AR_KA.