Advanced Excel Workshop

Advanced Excel Workshop
The training will cover these points:
1- Section 1: Data types and formatting
a. Data types
b. Formatting by formula
c. Data Validation
d. Conditional Formatting
2- Section 2: Formulas and Data manipulations
a. Cell addressing
i. Relative copy
ii. Absolute Copy
b. Formulas and Data Manipulation
i. Logical formulas
ii. String formulas
iii. Arithmetic formulas
iv. Conditional (if function)
c. Lookups
i. Vlookup
ii. Hlookup
iii. match & index
3- Section 3: Working with tables
a. Tables and lists
b. Data Consolidation
c. Outlining and Subtotals
4- Section 4: Analysis
a. Pivot Tables and Charts
b. What is analysis
i. Goal Seek
ii. Data Tables
c. Excel Solver
5- Section 5: Comprehensive Example