Branding: develop your brand strategy & voice
Branding: develop your brand strategy & voice
Aching to tell a more compelling story about your business, product or personal brand? Can't seem to attract the type of clients/work you'd love to have? Would like to refocus, expand or differentiate your service but feel boxed in? This workshop may be the next best thing you do for your business or personal brand.
We invite you to roll up your sleeves, take the much needed time to reflect and self-discover, and tackle your strategic branding challenges together.
We'll take you through a structured brand strategy development process that will help you to delve deeply to discover the genuine, authentic soul of your brand, clarify where the love is and what your brand stands for, crystallize a solid positioning that reflects your vision, values, purpose and style.
We'll cut out any detours, pull you from indecision, and provide clarity, confidence, and actionable ideas needed to solve your most pressing "who are we" challenges in short order.
During this workshop you'll:
- Crystallise your brand's vision
- Articulate your brand's mission + motto
- Crystallise the target customer persona
- Crystallise the brand's authentic points in comparison with the competition.
- Shape your key brand's key messages.
- Articulate the positioning statement which encapsulates the key services + the brand's authentic points.
- Define your brand's personality.
- Define the high-level brand's visual identity.
At the end of this workshop, you'll walk away with a brand framework, which will encapsulate the foundational elements - the essence - of your brand. It this serve you as the center of gravity for your brand's communications as well as the brief for your designers, copywriters and other collaborators.
Who will you learn with?
Egle Karalyte is the founder of Taika Ström, a brand consultancy serving clients in Paris, Beirut, Casablanca and Barcelona. She has lived in 7 cities (New York, London, Paris, Barcelona, Casablanca, Santiago de Chile and Beirut) and had to relaunch her business 7 times. She learned to swim in new waters time and again, adapting to audiences, cultures and the unwritten rules of business. Egle will share her personal experience and lessons learnt while serving her clients.
Egle is also the co-founder of My Visual Brief and founder of Graines de Soleil.
She enjoys sharing her experience via workshops, which she has already organised in Google Campus in London, Paris Telecom, Startup Chile, Technopark in Casablanca, Beirut Digital District, Antwork, Agrytech Beirut, and AR_KA.