Self Development Line - Be the leader of your time

Self Development Line - Be the leader of your time
Be The leader not the manager, Managing your time makes you an
effective person, but leading your time makes you the person you are
meant to be – and that means achieving the highest purpose of your
being , makes you happy and makes the world a better place.
Time Leadership is the combination of:
*Present focused
*Life purpose driving
*Strategic time planning
By the end of these sessions you will:
Define the false paradigms that control your time and your life.
Identify what wastes your present time.
Adopt a leader attitude toward your life and your time.
Know the right steps needed to achieve your life purpose.
Decide what you want to achieve in the next 5 years.
Write your strategic plan to reach your goals.
Choose new habits to have more self-discipline.
Identify your evaluation methods to review your plans periodically.