Symposium: Promoting Entrepreneurship for Economic Development in North Lebanon
Symposium: Promoting Entrepreneurship for Economic Development in North Lebanon
Are you interested to know what various organizations are doing to promote and support entrepreneurship in our universities and in the society?
Would you like to listen to real stories from entrepreneurs in Tripoli and the North about their startup journeys?
Register now to our first entrepreneurship symposium #1stES. Below are some details about the symposium:
Background and Justification
The unemployment rate (especially among the youth) in Lebanon has been increasing since 2014. Entrepreneurship is being considered as a key driver for creating jobs and hence developing local economies. As entrepreneurship culture is weak in our local universities and society in general, it is vital to highlight to university faculty and students and the society at large the importance of entrepreneurship and explain to students about the option of being entrepreneurs after graduation.
To address this challenge, Azm University and LebanonScience and Technology Park (LSTP), in collaboration with Agence Universitaire de La Francophonie (AUF), are organizing their first entrepreneurship symposium entitled: Promoting Entrepreneurship for Economic development in North Lebanon.
Symposium Objectives
- Raise the entrepreneurship culture among local university faculty and students, professionals and the community at large
- Showcase some key organizations that are promoting entrepreneurship in Lebanon
- Motivate students by sharing some real stories from entrepreneurs in North Lebanon
Target Audience (100+)
- Faculty members and students of all universities in Lebanon especially those in Tripoli and the North
- Entrepreneurs and futurpreneurs in Tripoli and North Lebanon
- Professionals and anyone interested in entrepreneurship in Lebanon
Symposium Format and Language
The symposium will consist of short talks or presentations and open discussions among panelists and the audience as guided by each session moderator. Discussions are going to be mainly in Arabic but some talks or presentations will be in English.
Symposium Program:
- 16:30 Registration and welcome coffee التسجيل
- 17:00 Opening Session:جلسة الأفتتاح
- Welcome message, Hani Mawlawi, Director, LSTP
- Dr. Hervé Sabourin, Director,AUF
- Dr. Farid Chaaban, President, AZM University
- :الجلسة الأولى: تشجيع ثقافة ريادة الأعمال ودعمها في الجامعات والمجتمع
- 17:15 Session 1 : Promoting and supporting entrepreneurship in our universities and society
- Moderator: Hani Mawlawi, Director, LSTP
- Speakers::
- Dr. Fouad Choueifaty, Dean of Students, Azm University, role of higher education institutions in promoting entrepreneurship
- Elie Akhrass, Head of International Research Center, UK Lebanon Tech Hub, role of international support organizations in promoting entrepreneurship
- Karim Soueissi, Fund Manager, Theemar Trablous, role of investment funds in promoting entrepreneurship
- Nasri Mouawad, Deputy Director,BIAT, role of business incubators in promoting entrepreneurship
- Najwa Sahmarani, co-founder and vice-president, Tripoli Entrepreneurs Club, role of startup communities in promoting entrepreneurship
- الجلسة الثانية: دروس وعبر من روّاد أعمال في شمال لبنان من خلال التحديات التي يواجهونها
- 18:15 Session 2: (Panel) Challenges faced and lessons learned by entrepreneurs in North Lebanon
- Moderator: Andre Abi Awad, founder, Entreprenergy:
- Panelists:
- Ziad Sankari, founder, Cardiodiganostics
- Wael Zmerly, founder and CEO at ZMERLY & CO
- Soumaya Merhi, founder, Bread Basket Square (TaqaBar)
- Jalal Yehya, co-founder, Tragging
- Hassan Tabbal, co-founder, NavyBits
- 19:15 Cocktail reception and networking حفل كوكتيل وتعارف