Gamemasters: Build-A-Game Workshop with Junk Munkez
Gamemasters: Build-A-Game Workshop with Junk Munkez
Saturday 22 April, 10:00 to 13:00
Workshop Space, Level -1
In English and Arabic
Ages 6-12. Children must be accompanied.
Build and play your own interactive 3D-board game! In this participatory workshop, led by designers Lea Kirdikian and Xavier Baghdadi, children adventure through a make-believe environment, The Sleepy Dragon Inn, to make it through hidden traps and pass eccentric guards. Merging the art of gaming and shadow puppetry, children make and play an interactive analogue video game, in which chance and decision making change the course of each player's fate.
Inspired by live action role-playing games, get ready to create characters, stories, animated designs, and write your own game rules. Children build a modular room and character figurines using upcycled cardboard, cellophane paper, clay, paint, and more. Using fun improvisational theatre activities, children become their character, acting out the roles and stories they've created while playing the game.
At the end of the workshop, each participant takes their crafted modular room and figurine home!
This workshop is programmed in conjunction with the exhibition FABRIK, and inspired by Hito Steryl's video installation, Factory of the Sun (2015).
Lea Kirdikian is a product designer with an avid interest in recycled materials. Xavier Baghdadi is an imaginative animator/illustrator. They teamed up to collaborate on an upcycling initiative called Junk Munkez, joining forces to conquer the local trash heaps through colourful eco-friendly products with eco-conscious ethics.