!!! Read until the End !!!
A wishing well? A shooting star? Have you ever wished upon any of these? If so, you're doing it all wrong. As an aspiring entrepreneur, or maybe you're already a full-time entrepreneur, you should know better. It takes a lot more than a wish or a LUCK to bring you success.
Why It's More Than Luck ???
Success has nothing to do with luck, and everything to do with hard work and dedication. If you learn how to create money then you not only have the money, you have the knowledge of how to create it. Even if you lose money you have the knowledge of how to create it again. You will also have the confidence that comes with knowing you can deal with any financial situation. You will become a stronger person in the process.
After 1 year from the official launch of this program for the public, after visiting some schools, universities, companies & NGO's, the "Increase Your Financial Intelligence" basic seminar is back to be delivered to any person, from any financial or social background who wants to make the real shift in his financial future and make 2017 his/her Life-Changing Year.
Today you can be part of the rising "Cash Flow Community" in Lebanon, a totally new Era that will bring youth and adults to shift their old "go to school" then "go to university", get good grades and go find a High paying job or start climbing the corporate ladder with a 40 - 40 rules (40 hours per week for 40 years).
We are stepping into a new age called "Information Age" saying goodbye to the old "Industrial Age".
Opportunities won't come to you if you are Financially illiterate. Once you expend your mind and you start thinking like the real rich minded people who created real wealth, then and only then things will start to change for you because your mind will be ready to grab any existing opportunity.
Make sure to register to this 2 hours Seminar
I have good news and bad news for:
1- Good News: the Seminar is Totally FREE of charge.
2- Bad news: Room capacity is only limited to 80 seats. (so you have to to book your seat as soon as possible by going into this link here)
P.S.: You can"t book more than 1 seat per email (ex: if we have 4 seats booked and 1 email registered we consider it as seat only to the owner of this email.)
See you on March 7,
Best regards,
Abdallah Harfouch
Founder of AH Financial Consultancy /Economist / Financial Markets Analyst