Dynamics NAV - Budget & Cash Flow Forecast

Dynamics NAV - Budget & Cash Flow Forecast
Course 80535 - Finance Advanced in Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Module 4: BUDGETS
Lesson 1: General Ledger Budgets
Lesson 2: Budget Page
Lesson 3: Creating Budgets Manually
Lab 4.1: Create a Budget
Lesson 5: Copying Budgets
Lab 4.2: Copy a Budget
Lesson 6: Exporting and Importing Budgets
Lesson 1: Functions of the Cash Flow Forecast
Lesson 2: Setting Up Cash Flow Forecasts
Lesson 3: Creating Cash Flow Forecasts
Lab 6.1: Creating a Cash Flow Forecast
Lab 6.2: Entering Manual Revenues and Expenses
Lab 6.3: Using the Cash Flow Worksheet
Lesson 4: Cash Flow Forecast Reporting
Lab 6.4: Printing the Cash Flow Date List