Lie Detection Complete Certification Course

Lie Detection Complete Certification Course
In a ten minute conversation you are likely to be lied to two to three times. You might not even realize how often the people in your life are being deceitful. This is where we can equip you with the skills you need to protect yourself.
Our training is unique, affordable and covers a variety of services.
BLAST™ is the only deception method that scores each deception indicator – taking away some of the "guess work" in distinguishing between indicators and actual lies.
You'll learn:
100+ Deceptive Signs in Body Language, Facial Micro Expressions, Statement Analysis and voice Tone.
Ticket price: 280$ including Breakfast, Lunch and Course Book.
Certification Test(Optional): 25$
Intensive: 6 and 7 August from 9 a.m till 5 p.m
Extended: 8,9,11,12,15,16th of August from 6 p.m to 8:30 p.m