Yalla! pour les enfants
- Yalla! is an independent, French association, apolitical, non-confessional and impartial, founded in July 2013 by French citizens dedicated to Human Rights and worried about the degradation of living conditions of Syrian children displaced by the conflict.
- Yalla's primary goal is to bring back to school children thrown out of school because of a conflict. We contribute to preventing conflicts and building peace among different ethnic and religious communities, as well as between host and refugee communities.
- Yalla's humanitarian project in Lebanon involved three components:
oThe creation of an informal school for Syrian children refugees in Aley: Yalla! Classes welcome each year about 130 children who would otherwise be out of school
oThe integration of these syrian children within the Lebanse education system: Yalla's educative methodology not only aims at reinforcing children's academic level but also at providing them with the interest in school and self-confidence that are necessary for them to pursue their education;
oThe organization of playful, psycho-social activities destined to both Syrian and Lebanese children: these shared moments contribute to children's development and intercommunity dialogue.