Children’s Cancer Center of Lebanon (CCCL)
The Children's Cancer Center of Lebanon (CCCL) is a not-for-profit association for the treatment of children with cancer.
To support all children with cancer and their families through securing funds to:
• Have access to the latest treatment disregarding the parent’s ability to pay.
• Excellence in psychosocial services to help fight the disease
• Education to create better understanding and awareness
The Children's Cancer Center of Lebanon (CCCL) is a regional center pioneering in the treatment of children with cancer.
Thanks to our affiliation with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee; and the rigorous research of our doctors and scientists at the American University of Beirut Medical Center (AUBMC), we are proud and glad to have an average survival rate of 80% for ourbeloved kids!
A regional pioneer in pediatric cancer treatment with a mission of hope and a healthy future for our dear children; where they are treated free of charge, with no cost at all on their parents.
Therefore, CCCL relies purely on donations; with a yearly budget of 15 million USD.
Inaugurated in April 2002, the CCCL has treated, to date, over 1,000 children with cancer. The treatment usually lasts for 3 years, costing an average of 50,000 USD a year for each patient.
The Children’s Cancer Center of Lebanon (CCCL) has a variety of fundraising programs and projects all for the sole purpose of raising funds to treat our dear patients.
The more funds we have, the more patients we can treat!